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About Athletic Design

We are a small game developer in Lund, Sweden, with a flair for the finer points of game design. Though we are especially fond of clean and stylish arcade puzzlers with simple but deep mechanics, we consider most kinds of games for development. We do, however, not like BIG games that expect you to kneel down and surrender your life to them. Even if given the opportunity, we'll most likely never develop a massively multiplayer online game. Neither will we play one.

Click our games tab and have a look!

Ola Hansson och Anders Hansson philosophy of games
Ola (left) and Anders (right)
ola(at)athleticdesign.se and anders(at)athleticdesign.se

Besides game development we have specialist competences in two areas:

These, in combination with the very same competences that allow us to create games, come in handy when developing commercial applications, to which we are increasingly devoting ourselves.

Many such jobs we can do all by ourselves, but we also have established co-operations with advertisement and publicity agencies, web developers, illustrators, translators and linguistic consultants. Furthermore we have a big network in the world of research. Click on the links below to see what we can do for you.

Banner production

Games for commercial uses

Technical communication

e-mail address to Athletic Design